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How to Not Get Emotionally Attached While House Hunting

Posted in Moving on Aug 11, 2014, tagged with buying and selling your home

How to Not Get Emotionally Attached While House Hunting

Looking for a new home sounds exciting! You get a chance to find a home with a master bathroom (no more sharing a bathroom with the kids), an ideal office space, one with an attached garage for all your tools, a work out room or that back porch that you’ve always wanted, but finding that perfect home can be heartbreaking as well.

Just like with life, no one person or house is perfect and sometimes you need to make compromises. You may find your ‘dream' home that has absolutely everything you are looking for, but it’s in the wrong school district—which as parents know is very important. Or maybe you find the right house, but it’s out of your price range or someone else swoops in with an offer you can’t match. Whatever it may be, house hunting can take a toll on your emotions, which is why it’s important to:  

Keep an open mind

You may have your heart set on a specific part of town, but try to be open to nearby locations that may have more of what you are looking for, or something close to it for a more affordable price. You might really want a single family home with a big backyard, but if you look around a bit you might find a townhouse that suits your needs for a better price and backs onto a field (an instant backyard that you don’t need to take care of—perfect!).

Remember it might not work out, but there will always be another house.

You need to start looking early to get a good feel for the area, but what if you aren’t ready to buy for another year? This makes finding the ‘right’ house now difficult to let go, but remember that there will be other houses. If you are worried about finding a 'one of a kind house' that you don’t think you’ll be able to pass up, then try looking in neighborhoods that have many similar homes, because they are bound to go up for sale eventually. This will help you determine what neighborhoods you like and then you can watch that neighborhood for more houses.

Avoid homes that don’t fit your budget.

It might sound fun to look at a gorgeous home that’s well out of your budget, but why torture yourself? It may only make the houses that are within your budget seem less desirable, and you are setting yourself up for heartbreak if you do find one that you fall in love with, so stay away from the expensive homes if they are truly out of your price range.

Keep the lines of communication open.

If you are moving with your family, significant other, or even a close friend, you need to communicate your feelings and desires about what you want in a home with that person so you are on the same page when the time comes to choose a house. You wouldn’t want the day to come when you find a home you absolutely love and have to have, only to find out that you have differing needs and wants when it comes to an ideal house – that could make things very difficult both for finding a home and for your relationship.

Remember to have fun!

Moving into a new home is supposed to be an exciting time in your life. You’re making a big change and moving somewhere bigger and better, or maybe you are downsizing to a space that’s cozy and easier to maintain, whatever it may be, make it fun! The right house will come along, so try to relax and enjoy the process as much as possible.

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