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Featured on Abodo: 9 Reasons to Rent When Moving Long Distance

Posted in Moving on Feb 03, 2020, tagged with guest article

Featured on Abodo: 9 Reasons to Rent When Moving Long Distance

There are seemingly infinite decisions to make when you're moving long distance. How will you transport your belongs? Will you hire movers? What should you keep and what should you toss? 

One of the toughest dilemmas you'll face when planning a long distance move is deciding whether to rent or buy in your new home town. If you own your current home, renting—even for a short while—can feel like a step backward. In many cases, the advantages to renting first outweigh the benefits of buying. We shared 9 compelling reasons to rent before you buy with our friends at Abodo, a leading rental listing site featuring verified listings in cities across the country. Here are a few of those reasons:

  1. You'll have less to deal with when you're planning your move and packing up.
  2. Renting gives you more time to get to know your new city before you commit to a neighborhood.
  3. Renting is cheaper up front than purchasing a new home.
  4. It's easier to house hunt when you already live there.

Head on over to Abodo to discover 5 more reasons to rent before you buy.


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